本レポートは2020年7月末に発刊致しました「2020年版車載用リチウムイオン電池市場の現状と将来展望~1st Half Report~」の収録内容からxEV市場動向のみを抜粋した再編集版「2020年版 XEV市場の現状と将来展望」の英語翻訳版になります。

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Purpose:To thoroughly investigate the xEV-related policies and environmental regulations in Japan, U.S., Europe, and China and investigate the latest activities of major 7 automobile manufacturers to know the current status and future prospects of the global xEV market.
Target (based on direct interview)
Automobile manufacturers(Japanese 3, European 2, Chinese 1, Korean 1)
Method of research:Bibliographic survey and interviews conducted by our expert researchers
Period:May. 2020 - Jul. 2020


  • 世界自動車の全体市場規模推移とxEV市場規模推移を地域別、xEVタイプ別(HEV/PHEV/EV)に算出
  • 成長率の異なる2つ(市場ベース予測、政策ベース予測)の市場規模予測を掲載(台数ベース:2016年~2025年予測、2030年予測)
  • 主要自動車メーカーの電動化戦略を整理
  • xEV関連政策を地域別に掲載
  • 本レポートは「2020年版 xEV市場の現状と将来展望」の英語翻訳版です


Chapter 1: Hot Topics in the 1st Half 2020
Chapter 2: xEV-related Policy Trends by Region
Chapter 3: xEV Market Trends


Remarks on Research Results

Chapter 1: Hot Topics in the 1st Half 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on the xEV and xEV LiB market
  Table: Comparison of forecasts in 2019 and 2020 1st half
   (xEV market)
  Table: Comparison of forecasts in 2019 and 2020 1st half
   (xEV LiB market)

Chapter 2: xEV-related Policy Trends by Region

2-1: Global Trends
  2-1-1. Regulatory Trends in Automobile Fuel Consumption
     in Each Country
    Table: Future plans for automobile fuel consumption
    regulations in each country
  2-1-2. Announcement/Declaration of ICE Sales Prohibition
     in Each Country
    Table: Announcement/declaration of ICE sales prohibition
     in each country (as of July 2020)
    Table: Announcement/declaration of ICE sales prohibition
     in each city (as of July 2020)
  2-1-3. EV Diffusion Plans in Each Country (Europe)
    Table: EV diffusion plans in European countries
     (as of July 2020)
  2-1-4. Diffusion Status of Charging Infrastructure
    in Each Country
    Table: Comparison of public charging infrastructure
    diffusion status by region (Japan/Europe/U.S./China)
  2-1-5. Charging Standards in Major Countries
    Table: Comparison of public charging infrastructure
     diffusion status by region (Japan/Europe/U.S./China)
2-2: European Trends
  2-2-1. Europe: Environmental Policy Trends
    Table: 7 Policy Areas in the European Green Deal
    Table: Target R&D fields and participating companies
    for EU state subsidy towards the construction of
    next-generation battery supply chains
  2-2-2. Europe: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of passenger car emission regulations
    in Europe (when the standard test mode is applied)
  2-2-3. Europe: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of fuel consumption/CO2 regulations
     in Europe (European CAFÉ regulations)
  2-2-4. Europe: Privilege Trends for xEVs
    Table: Overview of xEV diffusion policies in major
    European countries
  2-2-5. Europe: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
    Table: The number of installed charging stations and
    policies related to its development in major European countries
2-3: Chinese Trends
  2-3-1. China: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of exhaust gas regulations in China
     (gasoline and diesel vehicles)
  2-3-2. China: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of fuel consumption regulations
     in China (Chinese CAFÉ regulations)
    Table: Fourth phase fuel consumption regulations and
    company's average fuel consumption targets for passenger
     cars in China
  2-3-3. China: NEV Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of Chinese NEV regulation
  2-3-4. China: Automobile Related Policy Trends
    Table: Draft of Chinese NEV Industry Development Plan
  2-3-5. China: Privilege Trends for xEVs
    Table: Subsidy amount by the central government
    according to pure electric running distance of passenger
     cars (per vehicle)
  2-3-6. China: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
    Table: The number of installed charging stations and
     policies related to its development in China
  2-3-7. China: xEV Related Policies
    Table: Principles and concepts of establishing EV
    mandatory national standards in China
    Table: Contents of the EV mandatory national standards
     in China
2-4: Japanese Trends
  2-4-1. Japan: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
    Table: Exhaust gas regulations in Japan
     (comparison between JC08 and WLTP mode)
    Table: Vehicle types and operational regulations
    based on exhaust gas regulations
  2-4-2. Japan: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of fuel consumption regulations in Japan
  2-4-3. Japan: Privilege Trends for xEVs
    Table: Overview of eco-car tax break, green exceptions,
    and CEV subsidies
  2-4-4. Japan: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
    Table: The number of installed charging stations and
    policies related to its development in Japan
2-5: U.S. Trends
  2-5-1. U.S.: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of exhaust gas regulations in U.S.
    (gasoline and diesel vehicles)
    Table: Overview of standard test mode (FTP) and
    non-standard test mode (SFTP)
  2-5-2. U.S.: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
    Table: CO2 emission standards and equivalent fuel
    consumption standards in U.S.
    Table: Penalty when deviating from fuel consumption
    regulations and privileges for vehicles with low
    CO2 emissions
  2-5-3. U.S.: ZEV Regulation Trends
    Table: Definition of ZEVs and the list of automobile
    manufacturers subject to the regulation from 2018
    Table: ZEV credit required for LVM and IVM
  2-5-4. U.S.: Privilege Trends for xEVs
    Table: Purchase assistance for xEVs in the U.S.
  2-5-5. U.S.: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
    Table: The number of installed charging stations,
    policies related to its development, and initiatives
    by private business entities in U.S.
2-6: Trends in Other Regions
  2-6-1. India: Exhaust Gas & Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of exhaust gas & fuel consumption
    regulations in India
  2-6-2. Brazil: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
    Table: Overview of exhaust gas regulations in Brazil
  2-6-3. India: Privilege Trends for xEVs
    Table: Overview of FAME-India PHASE 2 in India
  2-6-4. Brazil: Privilege Trends for xEVs
    Table: IPI tax ratio for environmental vehicles in Brazil
  2-6-5. ASEAN: Exhaust Gas & Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
    Table: Exhaust gas & fuel consumption regulations and
    xEV diffusion policies in ASEAN countries
  2-6-6. Other Regions: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
    Table: Charging infrastructure related policies in other regions

Chapter 3: xEV Market Trends

3-1: Global Trends of Automobile Market
  3-1-1. Global Automobile Market - Production by Region
    Table: Transition xEV production by region
     (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-1-2. xEV Ratio in the Global Automobile Market
    Table: Global vehicle production (ICE) vs. xEV production
    (policy-based and market-based forecast)
     - Composition ratio trends (CY2017~CY2025, CY2030)
3-2: xEV-related Activities of Automobile and Battery Manufacturers
  3-2-1. Electrification Plans of Major Automobile Manufacturers
    Table: Electrification Plans of Major Automobile Manufacturers
  3-2-2. Efforts of Major Automobile & Battery Manufacturers
    to Secure Resources
    Table: Efforts of major automobile & battery manufacturers
    to secure resources
    Table: Efforts of major automobile & battery manufacturers
    to obtain high-nickel cathode materials and reduce cobalt
    Table: Efforts of major automobile & battery manufacturers
    towards ethical purchase of materials
3-3: Global Trends of xEV Market
  3-3-1. Calculation Conditions of xEV Market Scale
    Table: Calculation conditions of xEV market scale
  3-3-2. Global Production of Each xEV Category
    (market-based forecast)
    Table: Market-based forecast - Global production of
    each xEV category(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-3-3. Global Production of Each xEV Category
    (policy-based forecast)
    Table: Policy-based forecast - Global production of
    each xEV category(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4: xEV Market Trends by Region
  3-4-1. Local Production of xEVs (market-based forecast)
    Table: Market-based forecast - Local production of xEVs
    (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-2. xEV Production of Each Category in EU
     (market-based forecast)
    Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
    each category in EU(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-3. xEV Production of Each Category in North America
    (market-based forecast)
    Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
    each category in North America
     (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-4. xEV Production of Each Category in Japan
     (market-based forecast)
    Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
    each category in Japan (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-5. xEV Production of Each Category in China
     (market-based forecast)
    Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
    each category in China (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-6. Local Production of xEVs (policy-based forecast)
    Table: Policy-based forecast - Local production of xEVs
    (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-7. xEV Production of Each Category in EU
    (policy-based forecast)
    Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of
    each category in EU (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-8. xEV Production of Each Category in North America
    (policy-based forecast)
    Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of 
    each category in North America
    (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-9. xEV Production of Each Category in Japan
     (policy-based forecast)
    Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of
    each category in Japan (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  3-4-10. xEV Production of Each Category in China
     (policy-based forecast)
    Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of each category
    in China (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-5: Trends of Automobile Manufacturers
  3-5-1. Trends of Major Automobile Manufacturers
    Table: Trends of major automobile manufacturers



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