2023~2024 Current Status and Future Prospects of LiB Material Market ~Major Four Materials~

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Purpose:To thoroughly investigate the current status and future business plans of major 37 companies in the lithium-ion batteries (LiB) separator market in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, and to know the current status and future prospects of the global LiB separator market through related researches.
Target:Material manufacturers (Chinese: 13, Japanese: 13, Korean: 9, Taiwan: 2)
Method of research:Bibliographic survey and interviews conducted by our expert researchers
Period:Dec. 8, 2023 - Mar. 8, 2024
① The numerical data and the data related to supply in this report are created by adding a certain estimate to the research results during the above period.
② The laminate shape of the cell includes pouch type and polymer type.


NEW : 市場予測に2030年予測を新たに追加


Market Research Outline

LiB major four materials market

Chapter 1 Current Status and Future Prospects of LiB major four materials market

1-1 Overall main four materials market trend
  1-1-1 Overall main four materials market trend
    Table Changes in global market size of LiB Main 4 Components
    (Volume: 2019~ 2025、2030)
    Table Changes in global market size of LiB Main 4 Components
    (Value: 2019~ 2025、2030)
  1-1-2 Transition of the Shares of Main Four Materials by Country
    Table Global market share of LiB Main 4 Components by country
    (Volume 2021~ 2023)
    Table <Reference materials>
    Supply Chain List of China xEV Cell Manufacturers / Main 4
    Components Manufacturers in 2021 ①~③
  1-1-3 Comparison of production capacity and actual demand in Main
    four materials market
    Table Comparison of production capacity and actual demand for
    LiB Main 4 Components(2022,2023prospect)

Cathode market

Chapter 1 Cathode Material Market trends

1-1 Overall trend of Cathode market
  1-1-1 Overall trend of Cathode market
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Material Type
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Material Type
    (Value:2019-2025、2030 )
    Table Reference:Sales Price Range of Cathode Materials
  1-1-2 Cathode market trend by cell size
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Cell Size
    (small /medium-to-large:automotive ESS)
    (Volume:2019~ 2025、2030 )
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Cell Size
    (small /medium-to-large::automotive ESS)
    (Value:2019~ 2025、2030 )
  1-1-3 Production capacity transition by major cathode manufacturers
    Table Transition of production bases and annual production
    capacity of major cathode material manufacturers -①~⑥
  1-1-4 Cathode market share by manufacturers
    Table Cathode material market share by manufacture (Volume:2019-2023p)
    Table Cathode material market share by manufacture (Value:2019-2023p)
    1-1-5 Cathode market share by countries
    Table LiB Cathode Material Market Share by Country(Volume:2019-2023p)
    Table LiB Cathode Material Market Share by Country(Value:2019-2023p)
1-2 LFP Market
  1-2-1 Overveiw of the LFP market Trend
    Table Global Market Size of LFP(Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 Forecast)
  1-2-2 LFP Market / Development trend by Cell size
    (consumer small cells/Mid-to-Large cells)
    Table Global Market Size of LFP by Cell Size
    (small / mid- to- large :Automotives/ESS)(Volume:2019~2023p)
  1-2-3 Transion of the Shares of LFP manufacturers
    Table Cathode Material for LiB LFP, Global Market Size
    Market Share by Manufacturer(Volume:2021~2023p)
  1-2-4 Transition of Production capacity of major LFP manufacturers
    Table Transition of production Base and annual Production
    capacity of Major LFP Manufacturers
1-3 NCM Market
  1-3-1 Overview of the NCM market Trend
    Table Global Market Size of NCM
    (Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 Forecast)
  1-3-2 NCM Market trend by Cell size
    (consumer small cells/mid-to-large cells)
    Table Global Market Size of NCM by Cell Size
    (small /mid-to-large :Automotive/ESS(Volume:2019~2023p)
  1-3-3 Transition of the Shares of NCM manufacturers
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCM Global Market Size
    Market Share by Manufacturer(Volume:2019-2023p)
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCM Global Market Size
    Market Share by Manufacturer(Value:2019-2023p)
  1-3-4 Trasition of Production capacity of major NCM manufacturers
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    Major NCM Manufacturers①~③
  1-3-5 NCM Market/Development trend by Composition ratio
    Table 【 NCM composition ratio in the market in 2022】
    Table 【 NCM composition ratio in the market in 2023】
1-4 NCA Market
  1-4-1 Overview of the NCA market Trend
    Table Global Market Size of NCA
    (Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 Forecast)
  1-4-2 NCA Market trend by Cell size
    (consumer small cells/mid-to-large cells)
    Table Global Market Size of NCA by Cell Size
    (small /mid-to-large :automotive/ESS)(Volume:2019~2023p)
  1-4-3 Transition of the Shares of NCA manufacturers
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCA Global Market Size
    Market Share by Manufacturer(Volume:2019-2023p)
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCA Global Market Size
    Market Share by Manufacturer(Value:2019-2023p)
  1-4-4 Transition of Production capacity of major NCA manufacturers
    Table Transition of production Base and Production capacity of 
    Major NCA Manufacturers
1-5 LMO market
  1-5-1 Overveiw of the LMO market Trend
    Table Global Market Size of LMO(Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 Forecast)
  1-5-2 LMO Market /Development trend by Cell size
  (consumer small cells/Mid-to-Large cells)
    Table Global Market Size of LMO by Cell Size
    (small /Mid-to-Large automotive/ESS)(Volume:2019~2023p)
  1-5-3 Major LMO manufacturer trend
  1-5-4 Transition of Production capacity of major LMO manufacturers
    Table Transition of production Base and Production capacity of
    Major LMO Manufacturers
1-6 LCO Market
  1-6-1 Overview of the LCO market Trend
    Table Global Market Size of LCO
    (Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 Forecast)
  1-6-2 LCO Market / Development trend by Cell size
    (consumrer small cells/Mid-to-Large cells)
    Table Global Market Size of LCO by Cell Size
    (small /medium-to-large:automotive/ESS)(Volume:2019~2023p)
  1-6-3 Transition of the Shares of LCO manufacturers
    Table Cathode Material for LiB LCO Global Market Size
    Market Share by Manufacturer(Volume:2019-2023p)
    Table Cathode Material for LiB LCO Global Market Size
    Maker Share by Manufacturer(Value:2019-2023p)
  1-6-4 Transition of Production capacity of major LCO manufacturers
    Table Transition of production Base and annual Production
    capacity of Major LCO Manufacturers①~②

Chapter 2 Trends and Strategies of Cathode Material Manufacturers

2-1 Ningbo Ronbay Lithium Battery Material
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Ningbo Ronbay Lithium Battery Material Shipment Volume of
    Cathode Materials
    Table SNingbo Ronbay Lithium Battery Material Shipment Value of
    Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathodes and precursors of Ninbo Ronbay(including affiriated companies)
2-2 Ecopro BM
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Ecopro Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Ecopro Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of EcoPro BM
  (3)R&D/Products trends
2-3 Xiamen Tungsten
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table XTC New Energy Materials Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table XTC New Energy Materials Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of XTC New Energy Materials
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Xiamen Tungsten - Development roadmap for high-nickel
    cathode materials
2-4 L&F
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table L&F Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table L&F Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of L&F
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table L&F mass production and development roadmap for
    cathode materials
2-5 Beijing Easpring Material Technology
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Beijing Easpring Material Technology Shipment Volume of
    Cathode Materials
    Table Beijing Easpring Material Technology Shipment Value of
    Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of Easpring
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    Precursor of Easpring
  (3)R&D/Products trends
2-6 Sumitomo Metal Mining
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Sumitomo Metal Mining Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Sumitomo Metal Mining Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Sumitomo Metal Mining Production Base・Production
    Capacity of Cathode Materials
2-7 POSCO Future M
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table POSCO Future M Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table POSCO Future M Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of POSCO Future M
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Reference specifications of POSCO Future M’s cathode materials
2-8 NICHIA Corporation
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table NICHIA Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table NICHIA Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of Nichia
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table ALEEES Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Target companies for ALEEES’s licensing business
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    cathode materials of ALEEES
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table ALEEES product line-up
2-10 HCM
  (1)Shipping trend
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Trasition of Production Base and Production Capacity of
    Cathode Materials of HCM
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table HCM LFMP “G4” reference specifications

Anode market

Chapter 1 Anode Material Market trend

1-1 Overall Anode Material market
  1-1-1 Overall trend of Anode market
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Anode Materials for LiBs by
    Material Type (Volume:2019~ 2025、2030)
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Anode Materials for LiBs by
    Material Type (Value:2019~ 2025、2030 )
    Table Price Range of Anode Materials for LiBs
    (small consumer-use/mid-to-large cells)
  1-1-2 Anode market trend by cell size
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Anode Materials for LiBs by
    Cell Size(small /mid-to-large:Automotive/ESS)
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Anode Materials for LiBs by
    Cell Size(small /mid-to-large:Automotive/ESS)
    (Value:2019-2025、2030 )
  1-1-3 Product Development Trend of LiB Anode Materials(Si-based)
  1-1-4 Transition of the Shares of Anode Material Manufacturers
    Table Market Share of LiB Anode Materials by Manufacturer
    Table Market Share of LiB Anode Materials by Manufacturer
    Table Major Manufacturers of Anode Materials
  1-1-5 Anode market share by countries
    Table Market Share of Anode Materials by Country
    Table Market Share of Anode Materials by Country
  1-1-6 Production capacity transition by major anode manufactures
    Table Transition of production bases and annual production
    capacity of Major Anode Material Manufacturers①~②
1-2 Graphite-based Anode Material Market
  1-2-1 Overall Market Trend of graphite-based anode materials
    Table Global Market Size of Graphite Anode Materials for LiBs
    (Volume:2019~ 2025、2030 forecast)
    Table Global Market Size of Graphite Anode Materials for LiBs
    (Value:2019~ 2025、2030 forecast)
  1-2-2 Graphite-based anode Material Market trend
    by cell size(consumer small cells/mid-to-large cells)
    Table Global Market Size of Graphite Anode Materials by Cell Size
    (Small format LiB/Mid-to-Large format LiB)
  1-2-3 Transition of the Shares of Graphite-based
    Anode material manufacturers
    Table Global Market Size of Graphite Anode Materials
    for LiBs and Market Share by manufacturer(Volume:2019~2023p)
    Table Global Market Size of Graphite Anode Materials
    for LiBs and Market Share by manufacturer(Volume: 2019~2023p)
    Table Global Market Size of Artifical Graphite Anode Materials
    for LiBs and Market Share by manufacturer(Volume:2019~2023p)
    Table Global Market Size of Artifical Graphite Anode Materials
    for LiBs and Market Share by manufacturer(Value:2019~2023p)
    Table Global Market Size of Natural Graphite Anode Materials
    for LiBs and Market Share by manufacturer(Volume:2019~2023p)
    Table Global Market Size of Natural Graphite Anode Materials
    for LiBs and Market Share by manufacturer(Value:2019~2023p)
  1-2-4 Transition of Production Capacity of Major Graphite-based Anode
    Material manufacturers
    Table Transition of production bases and annual production
    capacity of Major graphite-based anode Material Manufacturers①~③
1-3 Carbon/LTO/Si-based Anode Material Market
  1-3-1 Overall Market Trend of Carbon/LTO/Si-based Anode Materials
    Table Global Market Size of Carbon-based/LTO/Si-based Anode
    Materials for LiBs (Volume:2019~ 2025、2030 forecast)
    Table Global Market Size of Carbon-based/LTO/Si-based Anode
    Materials for LiBs (Value:2019~ 2025、2030 forecast)
  1-3-2 Trend and Production Capacity of Carbon/LTO/Si-based Anode
    Material manufacturers 
    Table Starus of manufacturers entering the carbon-based
    Anode Material market
    Table Starus of manufacturers entering the LTO Anode Material market
    Table Si-based anode material manufacturers

Chapter 2 Trends and Strategies of Anode Material Manufacturers

2-1 BTR New Energy Materials
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table BTR Shipment Volume of Anode Materials
    Table BTR Shipment Value of Anode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table BTR Transition of production Base and production
    Capacity of Anode Materials of BTR
2-2 Shanghai Shanshan Tech
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Shanghai Shanshan Shipment Volume of Anode Materials
    Table Shanghai Shanshan Shipment Value of Anode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production Base and production Capacity of
    Anode Materials of ShanShan
  (3)R&D/Product trends
2-3 Jiangxi Zichen Technology
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Zichen Shipment Volume of Anode Materials
    Table Zichen Shipment Value of Anode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production Base and production Capacity of
    Anode Materials of Zichen
  (3)R&D/Product trends
2-4 Resonac
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Resonac Shipment Volume of Anode Materials
    Table Resonac Shipment Value of Anode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production Base and production Capacity of
    Anode Materials of Resonac
  (3)R&D/Product trends
    Table Resonac anode materials line-up
2-5 POSCO Future M
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table POSCO Future M Shipment Volume of Anode Materials
    Table POSCO Future M Shipment Value of Anode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production Base and production Capacity of
    Anode Materials of POSCO Future M
  (3)R&D/Product trends
    Table Reference specifications of POSCO Future M’s anode materials
2-6 Mistubishi Chemical
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Mistubishi Chemical Shipment Volume of Anode Materials
    Table Mistubishi Chemical Shipment Value of Anode Materials
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production Base and production Capacity of
    Anode Materials of Mitsubishi Chemical
  (3)R&D/Product trends

Electrolytes / Salts market

Chapter 1 Overall Electrolytes / Salts market trend

1-1 Electrolytes / Salts market trend
  1-1-1 Overall trend of Electrolytes market
    Table Global Market Size for LiB Electrolytes
    (Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 )
  1-1-2 Overall trend of Salts market
    Table Global Market Size for LiB Salts
    (Volume/Value:2019-2025、2030 )
  1-1-3 Electrolytes market trend by cell size
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Electrolytes by cell Size
    (Small / mid-to-Large : Automotive/ESS)(Volume: 2019~ 2025、2030)
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Electrolytes by cell Size
    (Small / mid-to-Large : Automotive/ESS)(Value: 2019~ 2025、2030)
  1-1-4 Electrolyte/Salt Product Trend (Additive Trend)
  1-1-5 Electrolyte/Salt Price Trend
    Table Reference Price Range of Electrolyte for Small / Large Format LiB
    Table Reference Price Range of Salts for LiB
    Table Major Chinese Additives Manufacturers
  1-1-6 Transition of the Shares of Electrolyte/Salt Manufacturers
    Table Global market Share of LiB Electrolyte by Manufacturers
    (Volume : 2019-2023p)
    Table Global market Share of LiB Electrolyte by Manufacturers 
    (Value : 2019-2023p)
    Table LiB Salt Market Share by Manufacturers
    (Volume : 2019-2023p)
    Table LiB Salt Market Share by Manufacturers
    (Value : 2019-2023p)
    Table LiB Salt Manufacturers others breakdown(Volume:2023p)
  1-1-7 Supply chain of Electrolytes and Salts manufactures
    Table Reference :Supply chain list of Electrolyte /
    Salts manufacturers (2023)
  1-1-8 Supply chain of Electrolytes and cell manufactures
    Table Reference :Supply chain list of Consumer small LiB cell /
    Electrolyte manufacture (2023)
    Table Reference :Supply chain list of Mid-to-Large
    (vehicle, ESS) LiB cell /Electrolyte manufacturer (2023)
  1-1-9 Transition of the Shares of Electrolytes/Salts by Country
    Table Global market Share of LiB Electrolyte by Country
    (volume : 2019-2023p)
    Table Global market Share of LiB Electrolyte by Country
    (value: 2019-2023p)
    Table Global market Share of LiB Salt market by Country
    (volume : 2019-2023p)
    Table Global market Share of LiB Salt market by Country
    (value: 2019-2023p)
  1-1-10 Production capacity transition by major electrolyte manufactures
    Table List of major Electrolyte manufacturers production bases
    and annual production capacity changes①~②
  1-1-11 Production capacity transition by major salts manufactures
    Table List of major LiB Salts manufacturers production bases and
    annual production capacity changes

Chapter 2 Trends and Strategies of Electrolyte/Salt manufacturers

2-1 Guangzhou Tinci Materials Technology
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Tinci Materials Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table Tinci Materials Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Guangzhou Tinci
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Salts of Guangzhou Tinci
  (3)R&D/Products trend
2-2 Shenzhen Capchem Technology
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Capchem Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table Capchem Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production site/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Capchem
  (3)R&D/Products trend
2-3 Zhangjiagang Guotai Huarong Chemical New Material
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Zhangjiagang Guotai Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table Zhangjiagang Guotai Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production site/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Zhangjiagang Guotai
  (3)R&D/Products trend
2-4 MU Ionic Solutions corporation
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table MUIS Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table MUIS Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production base/Capacity tred
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of MUIS
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of MCC
  (3)R&D/Products trend
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table ENCHEM Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table ENCHEM Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Enchem①-②
  (3)R&D/Products trend
2-6 Central Glass
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Central Glass Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table Central Glass Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production site/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Central Glass
2-7 Soulbrain
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Soulbrain Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table Soulbrain Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Soulbrain
  (3)R&D/Products trend
    Table Soulbrain electrolytes produt line-up
2-8 Dongwha Electrolyte
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Dongwha Electrolyte Shipment Volume of LiB Electrolyte
    Table Dongwha Electrolyte Shipment Value of LiB Electrolyte
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of Dongwha Electrolyte
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Development status of additives at Dongwha Electrolyte
2-9 Do-Fluoride Chemicals
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table DFD Shipment Volume of LiB Salts
    Table DFD Shipment Value of LiB Salts
    Table DFD’s group companies
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    Electrolyte of DFD
  (3)R&D/Products trends
2-10 Morita New Energy Materials
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Morita New Energy Materials Shipment Volume of LiB Salts
    Table Morita New Energy Materials Shipment Value of LiB Salts
  (2)Production base/Capacity
    Table Morita New Energy Materials Production Bases and Changes
    in Production Capacity for LiB Salts
2-11 Kanto Denka Kogyo
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Kanto Denka Kogyo Shipment Volume of LiB Salts
    Table Kanto Denka Kogyo Shipment Value of LiB Salts
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    salts of Kanto Denka Kogyo
2-12 Foosung
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Foosung Shipment Volume of LiB Salts
    Table Foosung Shipment Value of LiB Salts
  (2)Production site/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of Production Bases and production Capacity of
    salts of Foosung
  (3)R&D/Products trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    additives of Foosung
2-13 STELLA CHEMIFA / Quzhou BDX New Chemical Materials
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table STELLA CHEMIFA / Quzhou BDX New Chemical Materials Shipment
    Volume of LiB Salts
    Table STELLA CHEMIFA / Quzhou BDX New Chemical Materials
    Shipment Value of LiB Salts
  (2)Production base/Capacity
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    salts of Stella Chemifa / Quzhou BDX New Chemical Materials
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Stellar Chemifa - Initiatives to next-generation
    energy device materials

Separator market

Chapter 1 Overall Separator market trend

1-1-1 Overall trend of Separator market
  Table Global LiB Separator Market Size (2019~2025、2030 forecast)
1-1-2 Separator market trend by cell size(consumer small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table Global Market Size of LiB Separator by Cell Size
  (small / mid-to-large: Automotive, ESS)(Voluem: 2019~2025、2030)
  Table Global Market Size of LiB Separator by Cell Size
  (small / mid-to-large: Automotive, ESS)(Value: 2019~2025、2030)
1-1-3 LiB Separator Product trend
  Table About“Wet”and“Dry”separators for LiB
  Table The demand trends for Separator by sector (2023)
1-1-4 LiB Separator Product trend(coated separators)
  Table Reference: List of coated separator compositions for consumer
  small cells / mid-to-large cells
  Table Reference:List of Product Lineups of Major Separator Manufacturers
  in the world (2023)
1-1-5 Transition of LiB Separator Market scale by type (consumer small/
  mid-to-large cells,coated/coating-less)
  Table LiB Separator coating ratio by small/mid-to-large(Vehicle/ESS)
  Global market size transition
  (Volume:2019~ 2025、2030 forecast)
1-1-6 Price trend of Separator
  Table Reference Price Range of Separators for Small and Large-sized
1-1-7 Transition of the shares of Separator manufacturers
  Table LiB separator market share by manufacturer(Volume2019~2023p)
  Table LiB separator market share by manufacturer(Value 2019~2023p)
  Table Reference:Small LiB cell manufacturer/Separator Manufacturer
  supply chain list (2023)
  Table Reference:medium and large LiB cell manufacturer/Separator
  Manufacturer supply chain list (2023)
1-1-8 Separator market share by countries
  Table LiB separator market share by country (Volume:2019~2023p)
  Table LiB separator market share by country (Value:2019~2023p)
1-1-9 Transition of Production capacity of major separator manufacturers
  Table Transition of production bases and annual production capacity of
  major separator manufacturers①、②

Chapter 2 Trends and Strategies of Separator manufacturers

2-1 Shanghai Energy New Materials Technology
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Shanghai Energy New Materials Technology Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table Shanghai Energy New Materials Technology Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Shanghai Energy
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Shanghai Energy group companies
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Shanghai Energy lineup of wet separators
2-2 Shenzhen Senior Technology Material
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Senior Technology Material Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table Senior Technology Material Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Senior
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    coated separators of Senior
  (3)R&D/Products trends
2-3 Asahi Kasei
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Asahi Kasei HiporeTM Shipment Volume/Value of Separator
    Table Polypore Celgard® Shipment Volume/Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Asahi Kasei "HiporeTM" and Polypore "Celgard®"
2-4 SK ie Technology
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table SKIeT Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table SKIeT Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of SKIET
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table SKIET lineup of Separators 
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table W-SCOPE Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table W-SCOPE Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of W-SCOPE
  (3)R&D/Products trends 
    Table W-SCOPE Separator puroduct Lineup
2-6 Toray
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Toray Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table Toray Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity trend
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Toray
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Toray’s SETELA product lineup (including developed products)
2-7 Sumitomo Chemical
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Sumitomo Chemical Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table Sumitomo Chemical Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production site/Capacity treds
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Sumitomo Chemical
  (3)R&D/Products treds
2-8 Ube Maxell
  (1)Shipping trend
    Table Ube Maxell Shipment Volume of Separator
    Table Ube Maxell Shipment Value of Separator
  (2)Production base/Capacity
    Table Transition of production bases and production capacity of
    separators of Ube Maxell
  (3)R&D/Products trends
    Table Ube Maxell Separator Product lineup

Appendix LiB market trends

①LiBs for the Mobile/IT Market
  Table Trends and Forecast of LiBs for Mobile/IT,etc
  (Capacity :CY2019~CY2025,CY2030)
  Table Trends and Forecast of LiBs for Mobile/IT,etc by battery type
  (Capacity :CY2019~CY2025,CY2030)
②LiBs for the xEV Market
  Table Trends and Forecast of Global LiB Market by xEV Type
  (Capacity: 2019~ 2025、2030)
  Table Trends and Forecasts of LiB for xEV by battery type
  (Capacity:2019~ 2025、2030)



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